Friday, September 19, 2008

Moving News

Well we finally found out where we will be moving...

Midland, Texas

Home of George W. Bush, "baby Jessica" and Friday Night Lights.

This is what Wikipedia had to say about it
"Perched on the Llano Estacado, a stark treeless plain that has been extensively overgrazed by ranchers, Midland is not known for scenic beauty, unless the visitor is keen on seeing a Cormac McCarthy-esque landscape of pumpjacks, Texas Horned Lizards, mesquite and caliche. Midland's main attraction therefore is oil: lots and lots of oil."

Sounds like heaven on Earth, huh?

I have gotten used to the idea and I'm sure we will grow to love it.

We report on December 1st


Pam said...

Wish you were coming back to B'ville. At least you'll be closer to your mom!
We had friends who were transferred to Odessa a couple of times. We visited them in 1993. A stark, treeless plain is no joke.
And a word to the wise, don't drink the water!
Seriously, there is good in everywhere we go. Look for it and you will surely find it. I'm sure you will make wonderful friends there. Isn't that the true blessing in life -- to make and keep wonderful relationships!

Christiansen Clan said...

WoW!! Glad to know you will be back towards home! Come visit us!

Kristen and Ryan said...

in texas yet so far away! I had to look up where midland was and its far! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of it!

Lauri said...

I can definitely say it will be a change in scenery from the beautiful east coast, huh?!? We felt that way when we moved to Albuquerque!!!!! BUT we got used to it and now we are happy here! :) I am VERY excited b/c 7 hours is the closest we've lived to eachother in a LONG time!!!! Wohoooo! :) When can I visit?!?! :)

Abygale said...

ok, so probably not where you were hoping, but you will be closer to your family. I have a friend who was born in Midland and lived there until she was in Kindergarten. She went back and visited and loved it! Hope you will too!

K Lange said...

I think you guys will love Texas. I don't know anything about Midland, but it will be an adventure for sure.

We are really loving Nebraska, but excited to move on to our next destination, wherever that is. Cameron graduates in May and we are so excited. He has been going to school our entired married life (5 years in May). I don't know what I'll do with the 'career' husband as opposed to the 'student' one.

Springers said...

No Way! Where is Midland? I'm from Texas, and I don't even know where its at!! :) WEll, at least its closer, and you can come up and visit. Do you get to go on a house hunting trip? What's the market like there? Ok, clearly I just need to email you. Congrats on the news!