Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Done with PT

Little "dimples" is done with his physical therapy! Yay! We went to his appointment yesterday. Liz, our wonderful PT, did some measurements and tests and said he's almost as good as new, we just need to watch him and keep working with him. She said that she's worked with a lot of babies and he is the happiest baby she's ever worked with. He is a happy baby and we love him so much!


Jenn said...

Yeah! I am grateful you had a good PT experience. Karigan has an appointment tomorrow to be reevaluated. Still not walking at 15 1/2 months. Her hip sockets were too big when she was born. Her pediatrician thought that she would "grow" out of it and walk by 15 months. So looks like she will be carried into PT and, hopefully, will run out.

OKTownsends said...

I stole one of your pictures. Jon, you look so happy, did you just see the new football poll?

Miranda Townsend said...

I don't know Jenny...looks like Colton is going to look like Jon - and those dimples are so cute!

Lauri said...

I've never noticed those CUTE little dimples before!! Love it! How's everything going? Getting excited to move?!?! :)

Mike said...

wow, colton is really growing up quick. I feel so bad we're missing it all - maybe one day we'll be closer together!