This picture is blurry but he's just so cute in it. Colton loves to get his picture taken as soon as he sees the camera he says "Cheese". Colton has been paying much more attention to Max lately. At first he wouldn't even look at him but now he'll snuggle his head up to his, today he tried to pick him up even (which means now I really have to watch him).
Colton doesn't talk very much. This morning we were reading the Polar Express and Colton ran around saying "All Aboard" and then trying to say "the choo, choo, train" after. He's such a sweetie. He's been doing speech therapy so hopefully we'll know what he's actually saying soon.
Jonathan got the fire going the other day, which is one of his favorite past times.
Max is now 6 weeks and has started smiling, cooing, and all kinds of other cute baby things, well really that's it. He pretty much still sleeps and eats. But he's been a great little baby. When we took him to his 1 month check up he was in the 75th percentile for weight and height and 50th percentile for his head size. So he has Kirsten's head and Colton's girth.
Kirsten made this turkey at school and she learned a song to go with it.
"Timothy Turkey why do you cry? Boo, hoo, hoo.
Timothy Turkey why do you cry? Boo, hoo, hoo.
Thanksgiving is coming I'll lose my head, tell all your mom's to buy Chicken instead.
Timothy Turkey I see why you cry. Boo, hoo, hoo."
One day we went to pick Jonathan up from work. We had to wait for a little while so Kirsten wanted to stand by his office door to wait. While she was out there she was singing this song at the top of her lungs while doing the very animated actions like pretending to cut off a turkeys head. It was pretty funny.
Some friends of ours came over the other day. We looked over at the kids while they were watching a movie and noticed Kirsten holding Porter. Porter is 2 so he may be a little old to be held by a 5 year old, he's just so tiny she likes to pretend he's her little baby and I guess he was okay with it.
Kirsten loves science so we did some experiments a couple weeks ago. We learned about absorption.
And did some spice art.
What cute pictures and memories. Thanks for sharing:)
Max is so cute! And Colton is a really good blend of both of you. How are you holding up with 3? Send me an email sometime. Is it cold there? Or just a fire for the fun of it?!
Max is such a cute baby! Good job keeping going with the blogging even with 3.
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