On the way we stopped at my Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan's house. It was so fun to see them. Uncle Dan took us on this really neat trail to see the desert. I never appreciated the beauty of the desert until we moved to West Texas.
We were having a great walk when I decided to let Colton get out of his stroller to walk around. Of course he took off as soon as I let him out and ran off the trail over some jumping cactus in his flip flops which stuck right in his foot. It was a big piece of cactus. It was nearly impossible to get out of his foot because it hurt so bad to touch it. Uncle Dan came to the rescue risking some crazy pain to pull it out of Colton's foot. I felt so bad one of the needles stuck in my foot and it seriously hurt so I can't imagine how Colton must have felt. Thankfully, about 5 minutes later he was laughing and totally over it. We are so happy Dan and Kim live on the way. It's always so great to see family!
We spent a lot of time in the car. The kids got a little bored.
She said she was getting ready to eat.
Next stop was California. We got to our friend's Spencer and Alyson's house and we thought we were in HEAVEN! They have the most awesome view. You can see the ocean while jumping on the trampoline, while riding bikes, watching t.v., eating...amazing. Man I wanted to stay forever!
Spencer and Jonathan grilling.
When we ask Kirsten what her favorite part of the trip was she says playing with Grace, not Disneyland, the beach, or the amazing zoo. I don't blame her Grace is a pretty fun girl.
The first thing we did was the San Diego zoo.
I wanted to go because I've never seen a panda before and so that was the highlight.
Kirsten liked all of the play areas the best.
Colton's favorite thing was the goats. Although he head butted 2 kids who got in his way. We discovered that he's a bit of a bully on this trip. We went to restaurants with play areas while driving so the kids could play. Colton frequently would head butt of push down kids of all sizes, including a very big, at least, 8 year old. At one of the restaurants this little 3 year old pushed Colton back and started pushing his face into the ground. I hate to say Colton deserved it, but he kind of did. I was hoping this would teach Colton a valuable lesson about messing with people, but it didn't. I hope he grows out of this little stage of his.
Riding the little sky taxi.
That zoo was definitely the most amazing one I've ever been to. I love the zoo so it was pretty awesome.
Then we went by my favorite temple that I had never seen. Even with the scaffolding it's amazing.
And that's when the camera battery died. We didn't even bring the charger! So disappointing.
So we don't have pictures of Disneyland, California Adventure, or anything.
Some other highlights were definitely Disneyland. It was spring break for a bunch of states and so it was super crowded but it was tons of fun. California adventure was even more fun because it wasn't crowded. Kirsten loved the bugs life rides. I think we've lived without hills for too long because Colton didn't even like going down the hills in the stroller let alone the rides with hills.
Jonathan and I went with Spencer and Alyson to a hockey game which was tons of fun. We also went to this really awesome go cart racing place. They were super fast and even though I lost every single race I was the only girl and by the end I wasn't too horrible.
It was great hanging out with Spencer and Alyson and we can't wait to go see them again soon!
On the way home we stayed with my Aunt and Uncle again it was great because my cousin Kristen and her 2 kids were there. Kirsten loved playing with Kate.
What a wonderful trip one that I did not one to come home from.
Well, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it looks like Colton is following right along his cousin, Bryce's, footsteps. Everything you mentioned in this post describes Bryce exactly. The nursery had to have a "sit down" with us to tell us that Bryce was the bully in class and asked if one of us would come into nursery for several weeks to see if we could help him be not so naughty! He likes to push kids down and just plain torture them. SO EMBARRASSING!!! I never wanted to go to church again. So...if Colton continues on this path, you've got a busy life ahead of you!
And I had no idea you guys were on vacation! Sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe someday in the distant future we'll be able to go on vacation...
Sorry we missed you guys but so glad you had an awesome time. You'll have to recommend the highlights as we'll be down there next month for a couple of weeks.
Jeez, who would have thought there was more to do in California than Laredo. But hey, do they have the Jalapeno Festival? No, I didn't think so.
I wanna see pictures of the Harley.
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