Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Last Two Weeks

A couple of weeks ago we took our tickets Gramie got Jonathan for his birthday and headed to the fair.

We decided to hit the rides first.
Colton looked really excited at first.

But then he wasn't so sure. Kirsten loved it though and did not want me to hold her hand.

Colton cracked up through this entire ride. It was so funny to watch him on it.

Kirsten had a pretty expressionless look on her face except for when she went on this blowup slide. She was in heaven on that. I was too busy watching her to take a picture.

The whole reason I wanted to go to the fair on this particular day was because there was a cake show going on. As I've said before, Kirsten and I love watching cake shows. So I thought she would love seeing Carrie Vincent and all the beautiful cakes. We saw Carrie walk right in front of us...Kirsten was less than excited. We also saw one of my favorite contestants on Challenge. So at least one of us enjoyed this part...

Then we walked around the petting zoo. We tried feeding the animals but after being fed all day, constantly, they didn't really care that we had paid a dollar for food for them.

We've had lots of fun at the fair the last couple weeks. Kirsten got to go with Gramie to Disney on Ice and loved it. I also got to go with Kirsten's class to the fair. I was in charge of Kirsten and two other girls. We had tons of fun running around singing Disney Channel songs, petting the animals, making some crafts, playing in a jungle was so fun. I had such a fun little group of girls. So it was great.

Max loves playing in this truck. I'll find him just sitting in it sometimes. And yes he does have carrots all over his face.

In case you were wondering.

The kid's favorite thing to do.

Her skirt is blocking the look of terror on her face.

Kirsten started working on this during conference. She calls it her scrapbook.

It's now probably twice the size.

The kids looked so cute the other day before bed. This is my attempt at getting a picture of it.

I caught Max just chillin' on the stairs the other day.


OKTownsends said...

The fair looked like fun. Had they already given awards for the cakes? So terror in the kitchen huh? Has Jon sat Kirsten on top of the fridge yet?

Springers said...

Kirsten is looking just like you these days! And I find Paige just sitting on the stairs talking and playing by herself all the time. I love it!

Ryanne said...

I love the fair! It looks like you had the best day.