Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pictures of House

Ok, so I have had requests for pictures of our house since we moved to PA so here they are finally, for anyone who cares.

We are now in Ohio on our way to Texas staying with some old friends from OK.


Jenn said...

So, I guess the weather we had in Ohio this weekend was so you guys could enjoy the snow one last time before heading out to Texas. Be safe on your journey.

Lauri said...

Beautiful house, Jenny!! I LOVE that deck! So nice!!
What did you think of the OU/Texas Tech game?!?!?!?! CRAZY, huh!!! Now we just need to do the same thing to OSU this weekend! :)
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Let us know when you make it to Texas!

Ryanne said...

Of course I remember you Jenny! Its looks like you've been doing BYU Nauvoo all over again! Your family is adorable and I'm so glad you found me on the blog. I am starting to feel better and so will be alot better on keeping up.

Ryanne said...

Of course I remember you Jenny! Its looks like you've been doing BYU Nauvoo all over again! Your family is adorable and I'm so glad you found me on the blog. I am starting to feel better and so will be alot better on keeping up.

Springers said...

When we saw the movie in Dallas I was not impressed. It was so different from the book, and I thought it was corny - some of the acting was comedial! But we saw it again the other day and I liked it much better the second time. Sam thought it was decent actually. So I think it helps if you haven't read the book.

Unknown said...

What's all this about Dallas and movies and friends from OK!!! You know if you need a place to stay that our house is totally open to you guys. Cameron is coming for Christmas, ya know. Let me know. Do you need my email address?? Hope all is well with the move :D Let me know...

Kara said...

HI Jenny Townsend!!! How fun to see you and your cute family in the Christmas card, and now a blog! We have a blog too- it's private but if you email me at clint_kara at msn dot com, I will send you an invite! :) Have a wonderful Christmas! Your house looks beautiful!

Kara Edwards