Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Colton's 6 months!

Actually it was a month ago. I need to write down his stats.
I don't remember the actual numbers but...
Length: 85%
Weight: 40%
Head: 75%

He is such a happy boy. We get comments all the time about how happy he is. And Kirsten is still his best bud. He's crawling all over the place and is trying to pull himself up. He is way too mobile for a 6 month old!


Miranda Townsend said...

Oh...he's such a light-weight! I'm POSITIVE that Bryce outweighs Kirsten now...he's such a brute! Also, what's up with these Townsend kids taking after Eric with their HUGE heads?!?

Lauri said...

He DOES always look very happy in his pictures! What a cutie! How is packing coming along? When do you guys head out for Texas?

Springers said...

So Colton is extra mobile huh? Jaxson was like that but Sydnee won't budge! She refuses... lazy thing! :) She rolls from tummy to back once in a blue moon. She's just too content. She doesn't care enough to try and move!

Meli said...

yay, youre back. how are ya? where did you go? are you ready for good ol texas? i have some advice, if you want it, but youll have to call me....or i guess i can deal with an email:) love ya!

Meli said...

hes beautiful btw! give kisses to them both!