Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hawaii Day 2

The next day we woke up pretty early and found a restaurant that some people we met at the PCC told us about. We had some delicious macadamia nut pancakes and waffles. We also walked around Honolulu for a while. We walked along the beach and past about 4 coach stores. It's a pretty nice city and so big.

Jonathan flying paper airplanes off the balcony of our hotel. I wish I would've taken a picture of the ocean view. It was so amazing to see the beautiful  ocean out the window.

The next day we went to Pearl Harbor. This was such a neat place. Jonathan's grandpa was there the day of the attack and should've been killed. It was a really special experience to be there. 
We walked through the museum and watched a really neat video. Then we took a boat ride over to this monument.

These are pictures of the boats underwater.

We were taking this picture of ourselves on the boatride back when this guy comes up to us and is like "give me your phone". I looked at him like "what is going on??" he was like "I just want to take your picture for you." So he took the next picture. I thought he was trying to steal my phone.


After Pearl Harbor we decided to head up to the North Shore. We went through the middle of the island so we could check out the Dole Plantation. It was pretty cool to see how the pineapple grow.

The beach was beautiful. The weather was amazing. It was hot and then it would rain for a few minutes and cool us off. There was a huge turtle in the water that Jonathan was loving.

We swam around for a while and then went to Ted's to eat pie and hamburgers. Everyone told us to go there and it was pretty good.

We drove back on the East side of the island which was amazing. We had to stop and check out some of the views.

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