Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tough Mudder

2 Weeks ago we met some friends in Colorado for a Tough Mudder. It's a 10 mile run up and down a mountain with obstacles in the middle. It was awesome!

Me, Jonathan, Spencer, and Rachel, before the race. Look how clean we were.

The Start

We climbed through mud.

Swam through some of the coldest water I've ever been in.

After swimming through the water we had to get back in the water and swim under barrels. I absolutely could not make myself do it. So I had to go around. Everyone was brave and finished it. I can say that I stuck my head in the water though. Later in the race we had to jump in some freezing slime. We had to swim under a plank, and I did make myself do that. I'm so proud of Rachel for finishing this one though, she did not want to but she did it.

We had to carry logs, climb up really steep hills, climb up snow mounds under nets, crawl through tunnels in the mud.

Slide down snow mounds and seriously hurt our hands in the process. Slip and Slide! Jonathan totally knocked this girl out when he did this.

We had to climb over 12 feet high walls. Luckily for Rachel and I, we had some strong guys to push us over. The bad part was figuring out how to get back down on the other side of a wobbly narrow wall.
This was my favorite obstacle. I have been nervous for this one from the day we signed up. We had to cross monkey bars that went up and back down. We all made it across! It was either do everything in your power to stay on or fall into freezing cold water. The choice was pretty simple.

We were constantly sprayed with freezing cold water.

And the finale...running through electrical wires. We all got shocked a couple times. It was weird.

And then we were finally finished! Here's us with our free beers, I promise we didn't drink them though.

This was such a cool event. It wasn't a race so everyone was helping everyone else. It was awesome for us to do it together and something I will never forget.


Carrie said...

What did you do with your shoes afterwards? : )
Yay for fun stuff!!

Lauri said...

Wow, Jenny!!! That sounds CRAZY! I'm super impressed. Glad you guys had fun!!! :)

Anonymous said...

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Have a nice day :)

Ryanne said...

That is so cool! Do you run a lot?

jami v. said...

holy cow! (oh, no pun intended! :)) ... what super crazy people you are! but it looks so fun!! woot-woo to you guys!!!