Sunday, June 19, 2011

I took this little "chubbers" in for a check up this week. Since a couple weeks after birth he has definitely seemed like my chubbiest baby. So I was surprised to find out that he was only in the 32% for his weight and 63rd for his height! Which makes him my smallest baby. He's got he biggest chubbiest cheeks and thighs...just a big old marshmallow.
He got his first tooth today. He crawls all over and just started pulling himself up this last week. Which, in my opnion, he is way to young for. It's very frustrating because he's into everything! And has no interest in baby toys only in the rocks from the fireplace, paper, dog food and water...
He's a happy, sweet boy, and we sure adore him!

1 comment:

Ryanne said...

He is such a cutey and I love his wrapped helmet.