Sunday, July 12, 2009


Alright, I have to record some of the recent things Kirsten's done, for posterity...

Kirsten has always hated putting her face in the pool and has been scared of jumping into the pool unless you're right there to catch her. Well, last night we went over to a friend's house to swim. She put on her little life jacket and reluctantly jumped to me in the pool. She progressively got more and more brave throughout the night. She was jumping in without any help, and then she jumped off the diving board! She went off the slide by herself. By the end of the night she wouldn't even ask us to watch her before jumping off the diving board or sliding down the slide. At one moment she dramatically said to me, "I am going to be awesome brave." So she went up to the diving board and turned around to do a back dive, she changed her mind last minute, but it was a good thought.

A couple of weeks ago we were all playing. Kirsten loves to play chase. So we were chasing Jonathan around trying to tickle him when I got bowled over by Jonathan, so I was dramatically lying on the floor while Kirsten continued to chase Jonathan. When she saw that it was just her, she yelled out, "It's just me and the old man".


Jen said...

So funny! Can you believe how old they are getting? I feel like Michael has matured so much lately. He too braved the diving board and I couldn't have been more proud! Wish we could be there to get the kids together to play!

Emily Townsend said...

When Kirsten was here, even if she was wearing her life jacket, she wouldn't let you let go of her one bit. I guess she's getting braver. Good for her!

Where did she get "her and the old man from?" What have you been teaching her missy? I can't wait to see all of you guy's soon.

Abygale said...

That is hilarious! I hope Ana says something that ridiculous so I can post it.

Lauri said...

"Just me and the old man!" Ohhh, too funny!
It was great to catch up the other night! (besides my wild child in the background! haha) It made me miss the good old times!! :) I need to be better about calling and catching up more often!

OKTownsends said...

One minute you're hip and cool and the next minute you're an old man to your kid. She's growing up, wish I could have seen her at the pool.

jami v. said...

that cracks me up!! i love when they say things like that. cole's latest is "that's wicked" -- thank you cousins. :)

i'm like jen- i wish you were still close so the kids could play.

Em said...

Awesome antics! Funny girl.