Sunday, May 3, 2009

You know you're a Texan when...

your daughter's telling you about church and she says, "everyone was fixin' to be baptized."

Some other Kirstenisms

"There are ants everywhere in Texas, just like Cowboys."

A little tiny lizard ran in our house the other day, which freaked Kirsten out. I told her that it was little and cute, to which she replied,, "but they're like little tiny dragons!"


Jen said...

Sooooooooooo funny! I got a good chuckle out of fixin' to be baptized.

Lauri said...

Hilarious, Kirsten!! Sounds like she is fitting right in...fixin'. Love it!

OKTownsends said...

Is your daughter fixin to come to OK?

Springers said...

Ha Ha! And she'll say it now the rest of her life.... she ain't fixin' to let it go! WElcome to Texas.