Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Visit from Grandpa and Marguerite

We had so much fun having Jonathan's dad and Marguerite come out to visit us from California! I'll let the pictures do most of the talking, since I'm pretty behind on my blogging here.

We went miniature golfing. Kirsten had a blast kicking, throwing, and sometimes hitting the ball in the general direction of the hole.

Grandpa with the kiddos

Of course we took a trip out to Lancaster. We ate at this cute authentic Amish restaurant. We also went shopping and went on a buggy ride, but my camera batteries died so no pictures.


We saw the real liberty bell but I have about a million pictures of that. Kirsten and I decided that next time we have visitors we'll just tell them that this lineless bell in the gift shop is the real deal.

We saw the Rocky statue for the first time up close and personal. That was seriously the biggest attraction in Philly that day.

Jonathan's work party was the Friday night before his dad and Marguerite left.
I can't believe how excited Kirsten was to ride this big ride with me.

She had a lot of fun but she wouldn't let me let go to make it spin. It was one of those spinning rides. We came about 2 feet away from getting thrown up on while we were waiting in line...disgusting!

Her favorite attraction...

We had so much fun. Kirsten loved seeing grandpa and Marguerite. Can't wait to see them again!

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