Monday, June 24, 2013

M&M store

I couldn't get this post to publish until today so its a little out of order.
The next day we headed to the strip to see the M&M store. It was funny walking through the casino to get their. Kirsten was very curious about the gambling machines. After I explained what they were she said, "so you put in $10 and you get $20 back??". She thought that the owners of casinos must be very generous to give away so much money. I tried to explain to her that things don't usually work out that way. Hopefully she understood that!
We walked all around the M&M store. We watched a 3d M&M movie. Kirsten and Bryce loved it. Colton thought it was scary.
Then we went next door to the Coke store and tried a bunch of different floats. The kids loved them! Even though 2 of my kids spilled them all over!! Oh well at the end of the day we were so surprised by how good the kids were! Not much complaining or begging!

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