So things have been crazy around here with all of us (except Kirsten, hopefully she's immune) having had a stomach virus in the last 2 weeks. It's the worst bug I've ever seen going around. In fact Jonathan has been sick since Thursday and still is not better! It's no fun. So anyway, that's why it's taken so long for me to post.
We went on an awesome trip a couple weeks ago to see our great friends Cameron and Kressyda. It was so fun to just hang out all day and have someone to talk to all the time.
Kirsten and Elliot had so much fun together. They got to have a sleepover in his bunk beds every night.

Baby Olive and Colton are about a week apart. They were pretty funny especially when Colton would take her stroller away from her. That sweet little girl can definitely hold her own.

Jonathan got to work down there with Cameron which was really more like a party than work. Lots of going out to eat and touring the oil fields, which is always super exciting.
The guys took the kids to the museum. Colton got pretty fixated with this ball and I guess he played with it for about 30 minutes.

And the highlight of our trip was going to

We just walked right over the river it was awesome.

It was like a big party over there. Totally set up for tourists. Although I was the only person there who couldn't speak Spanish. Thank goodness Kressyda can! We just walked through the streets looking at all the little shops.

We ate 80 cent tacos.

And then stood in line to get back home to America. On the bridge on the way back there was some kind of parade. It's a funny town because they take Washington's birthday very seriously. The whole month of February is devoted to festivals, parades, carnivals to commemorate the life of George Washington. Coming back into America was a little intimidating. They asked me about a million questions, and I have to admit I was a little nervous. All they were asking was where I lived, why I was in Mexico and I totally studdered my way through all of the answers. I would make the worst criminal because I can't even tell the truth without getting nervous. Anway, it was super fun and I'm so glad Kressyda suggested it and that she was brave and that our husbands were brave enough to let us go (oh and that we didn't see the news the night before talking about the big shootout just over the bridge in Mexico that probably would have kept our husbands from letting us go).

That night we went to the carnival in town.

All the kids looking so cute on the little train.

Jonathan wanted Kirsten to go on this slide. He said he always wanted to when he was little and never did. It was a proud moment for me watching her walk up there all by herself put the sack down on the slide by herself...I don't know why but I almost started crying. She's just growing up so much. Anyway, she was doing really well at first sliding down straight and having a good time.

Here's where things started to go wrong.

And then she ended up like this. Needless to say she will not have any fond emotional attachments to this ride like her daddy when she grows up. And she walked away with only a few little bumps and bruises.

I had to practically beg Kirsten to go on the Ferris Wheel. She was pretty nervous but ended up loving it.

She was so sweet to share her dipping dots with everyone.

We had such a fun time and we are so happy our friends let us come and stay with them. It was such a great little trip!