Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week in Review

Last Sunday... I just had to post these because I just think they all looked cute.

I could not get a good picture of Colton in his suit. But let me just tell you he looked like quite the little stud. A lady in nursery calls him the little stock broker.

This week Kirsten helped me make sugar cookies. She even made a bunch by herself.

The library Christmas party was this week. At the beginning of story time every week the teacher lets any kids who want go up and be a part of the "alphabet choir". So this is Kirsten and the other kids singing the alphabet. They always yell, "are you ready?!?" and then sing. It's pretty cute.

Santa came and brought all the kids presents. Kirsten and most of the other kids looked at Santa with puzzled looks on their faces and then one by one said, "Hey that's our teacher, Mr. Kelly." Can't fool them.

I did preschool this week. It was a great week for preschool, because we got to go to the children's museum and have a Christmas party.

Kirsten and Brighton being crazy.

I put curlers in Kirsten's hair yesterday, here's the result.

I couldn't seem to get them both smiling at the same time.

Kirsten loves doing "projects", as she calls them. Over the last few months she has been making abstract art of some of her loved ones. Every few days she'd say she needed to work on Colton or she needed to finish Emily. Here are some of her finished pieces.

Top: Kirsten, Colton, Marpie
Bottom: Grandma and Emily


OKTownsends said...

Your stockbroker is a stud. The curly hair is adorable and so are the Christmas clothes. And is that my grandma picture?

jami v. said...

sounds like fun stuff at your house ... and i love the abstract art! :) we've got a bit of that hanging around our house too -- although i love that kirsten does people she knows. cole is just into ghosts. :)

Springers said...

I think Sydnee wore that same black dress...!
Your house looks so cute. And the kids are getting big. It would have been great to see you guys over Christmas, sorry you coulnd't make it up. Maybe some other time! Email me and let me know how things are going.